Are you sometimes overwhelmed with negative thinking – perhaps being downright rude to yourself? Criticizing yourself for not doing enough?
I guess we’ve all been there; having bad days and moments of self-doubt. Days in which you fall short of your own expectations, and instead of treating it as a learning opportunity, you beat yourself up about it.
The frustration that comes from trying to turn your creative passion into a profitable business can quickly turn into a long rant of self-critique.
The pain of being the starving artist, the struggling creative, overworked with little or no money is REAL.
Fighting to figure out how to do it. Constantly looking for the missing piece to get clients, build an audience and harvest a great income. It´s scary, it´s frustrating, and it´s the situation for so many creatives out there.
I get you! I’ve been an entrepreneur for 28 years. I launched my first clothing line at the age of 15. Started my own dance studio at age 18. I´ve been a full-time artist, a personal trainer, an interior designer and created three 6-figure businesses, including a coaching business, a photography business and numerous of online training programs.
Bringing my creative ideas out into the world is my passion – I love to see my vision grow into empires.
And if there’s ONE THING I’ve learned from my many years as a creative entrepreneur, as well as from coaching thousands of clients, it’s this:
There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with YOU!
If you struggle with growing your business, it does not mean that you are incompetent or incapable. Not at all! It simply means that you are an entrepreneur without a compass. It´s that simple.
Going from struggling artist/creator to a running a profitable business isn´t so much about hard work, brilliant plans, talent or luck as it is about confidence, thoughts, and emotions.
With the right mindset in place, there ain´t nothing you can´t do!
I want you to remember:
YOU can start over, each day. The best time for new beginnings is NOW. It´s okay to have setbacks… it´s okay to draw a line in the sand and start over. Just make sure you are moving the line forward – in a positive direction.
Move in the directions of your dreams and goals. Take baby steps, but take steps that stop you from being stuck.
We all want to reach the top of the mountain and feel that we have achieved something amazing. We want to feel alive, happy and excited. We want to be financially independent and work with what we love.
Whatever you are working towards, and however far you still have to go, let me tell you that; YOU CAN DO IT!
Keep chasing your dream. Don´t give up! It doesn’t matter if you are moving fast or slow, only that you keep moving AND that you STOP criticizing yourself!
Because the truth is; every time you criticise yourself you take a step back – away from your desired destination called your dream life.
When you Play BIG in life fear will be a constant shadow following your every footstep.
Fear will show up asking if you’re sure – if you’re really, really sure you want to take this big risk? And you start to feel shaky.
You start to fear entering unknown territory. You think of all the things that could go wrong.
But, If you spend your life playing it safe, sticking to what you know and what’s comfortable (even if those things cause you unhappiness), you’re missing out on the incredible possibilities of what could be.
Sometimes the biggest risk is taking no risk at all. And oftentimes in taking the biggest risks, you find yourself living your dream life.
Here’s the thing…
The quality of your life and the success of your business is directly affected by how you FEEL about yourself, and how you THINK of yourself?
That’s why I want YOU to make a firm decision TODAY to boost and improve your self-esteem! Give yourself some credit for ALL that you DO and ALL that you ARE.
Doing so will empower you to do more, love more, give more, become more and live more.
All success in life comes from a place of self-confidence. A deep trust in yourself, that you are worthy of it all and that you deserve the best in life.
Abandon the idea that you are not good enough. Stop trying to ‘fix’ yourself; you’re not broken. No one is! You might have some bad habits, you might be a bit out of sync with yourself from time to time- just like the rest of us. But you are not broken, and there´s nothing wrong with you.
You are a perfect, beautiful, unique human being with perfect imperfections. Instead of telling yourself little lies about who you are and what you can and cannot do, focus on your potential, your passion and spread your message with the world.
With love and excitement,