Do you know that undefinable feeling of something shifting inside of you? Like a wave of change is rushing through you?
You start to question your life, your priorities, and your old ways of doing things. Maybe you feel like you’ve outgrown your current career? Maybe you wish to change how you run your business?
Maybe you feel stuck in a relationship? Maybe you crave being more creative? Longing to live your full potential? Or maybe you want to cut your hair and change your entire wardrobe?
Often we freak when we experience a shift, as we rarely know what is on the other side and it messes with us because the mind wants comfort and control. Change coming from within can be scary because it makes you feel vulnerable, confused, and emotionally stressed.
So if this is you, I’m here to tell you not to worry. The real truth is you’re maturing, shifting awareness, adjusting your values, and preparing for a new stage in your life.
These changes often come in waves. They usually appear in the most inconvenient times; when you think you are on track to a specific destination in your life, a shift appears and makes you question everything.
Don’t be afraid because this is simply your inner guidance (higher self) communicating with you; telling you that you are ready for a shift in consciousness, growth, and direction.
The goal of this shifting process is to make sure you take accounting of what truly makes you happy. And you got to ride the changing waves to find your authentic truth.
Perhaps it’s time to push the reset button and begin something new. Maybe it is time to let go of old systems, old limiting beliefs, old games of drama, and the repetitive thoughts telling you what you can and cannot do.
Trust the process, and don’t be afraid to be different. Awareness changes everything, and it all starts with accepting WHO you are and allowing yourself to be you – especially when you go through change.
So when you feel a change coming; be excited to see what it will bring you. Follow your heart and go with the flow – unafraid, vulnerable, open, and curious.
With Love,