On February 1st, 2020 we bought this little gem of a countryside cottage, located on the Island of Funen in Denmark. Now, we are three months into the renovation and everything is going surprisingly well, but there’s still a long way to go.
You can see my first post about the project here.

Almost everything on the inside has been taken out; kitchen, bathroom, floor tiles, the ceiling on the first floor, cabinets, some doors and windows.
The roof has been cleaned and a large new patio is being build at the moment. The kitchen door and the windows in the black side building will also be changed soon.

The glass corridor between the two buildings have gotten new French garden doors and I really think it changes the look and feel of the cottage so much. I love it.

In the living room we have removed a large part of the staircase to make more space available. We also changed the garden doors which give the view to the ocean a more open feel.

The dinning room was a master bedroom before we bought it and that’s why there’s a big wall of cabinets. This room is in the black side building. Because it has a high open ceiling we thought it would be more suitable as a dinning room, so we took out the cabinets. I plan on painting the wall in the back with chalk paint to emphases the hight of the room + I will hang a large collection of lamps in the centre to really make a grand impression.

The hall consist of the glass entrance and a small offer space. We have removed a door – again to make the room seem larger and more friendly. We will put in some beautiful large stone tiles on the floor.

The kitchen is completely empty and RAW at the moment and so is the bathroom. A new handmade kitchen + bathroom has been ordered and will arrive in May. I think this will be the biggest change in the cottage and I’m incredible excited about it (and also a little nervous).

Upstairs, the ceiling has been opened up and walls have been removed. Now all we need is to paint it all white.

During the coming month the project will speed up and so much will be happening; including painting the cottage inside and out. Kitchen and bathroom installed. Patio finished. Garden cleaned up and restored with new grass and the rest of the doors and windows will be installed. Phew, fingers crossed everything will go smoothly.

I really, really, enjoy doing this project. And of course I’m excited to get started on the inside decor. Since I sold my last home with EVERYTHING inside it, I have to buy everything for this house.
Most of the furnitures are already in place waiting to be transported to the cottage, but I still need all the little things like kitchen supplies, duvet covers, bathroom stuff, lamps, garden furnitures, tools and so on. So a lot of shopping is going on at the moment to get everything ready for the big move in.

Next time, I will show you the new kitchen and bathroom + the final result of the patio.
With love, Christina