I recently posted about my homemade detox water on Instagram, and got so many question about how to make it. Today, I will share the recipe with you, so you can start making it at home.
A year ago I turned vegetarian and though it’s been a real challenge to learn how to eat in a new way, I think it’s one of the best decisions I have ever made.

It’s taken my body very long to adjust, but now one year later I’m starting to harvest the benefits. I have so much more energy. I feel more connected to my body. I sleep better.
My gut-system is healthy and I have almost completely eliminated joint pain + stomach cramps, which improves my overall mood. I have lost weight and my skin seems to show less wrinkles. So overall, it’s truly some wonderful improvements.

My focus is very much on detoxing and boosting my body with energy food and vitamins. The Lemon Ginger Water is something I drink every day – not just in the morning but throughout the day. I simply replace it with tap water.

I have never been good at drinking water and have had to force myself to drink it. But I love this delicious detox drink so much. It’s like a mild limonade but without any sugar added. So this is NOT a strong ginger/lemon shot, that some people take in the morning, but more a substitute for regular water you can drink all day.

The detox water is a great cleansing drink rich with vitamin c, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory and detoxifying benefits that help gently cleanse and alkalize the body, and it’s also a great immune system booster and helps reduce hormonal stress.
This Lemon & Ginger Detox Water recipe is made with just 3 ingredients.
- 1 Organic Lemon
- Fresh Ginger Root
- Water
This healthy detox water is easy to make. I’ll typically make up a batch and pour the water in glass bottles to put in the refrigerator. I drink the first cup while the water is warm and then I’ll drink it chilled throughout the day. Here’s how to make it:
- Slice a piece of ginger (see image below) about the same size as your thumb.
- Put the ginger in a pot with 1,5 – 2 liters of water.
- Boil with a lid on for 20 minutes
- Turn the heat off and add freshly pressed lemon juice
- Let it cool and drink a glass warm or at room temperature
- Pour the rest of the water in glass bottles and refrigerate – drink throughout the day.
- Repeat and make a fresh new batch every day.

It’s not necessary to sweeten the detox water because the taste is very mild and delicious as it is. It’s like water but with a lovely delicate flavour.
With Love, Christina