Mallorca | My Mediterranean Dream

mallorca - majorca

One of the best things about my job is that I can work from anywhere in the world as long as I have my camera and there’s wifi. For me this is the ultimate feeling of freedom, it adds tremendous quality to my life and makes me super thankful.

I just got back from nine fabulous days on the beautiful Island of Mallorca (Majorca). It was my very first visit, and it was instant LOVE! Actually, my sister called me a few days before my stay ended to make sure I actually would come home and not remain in Mallorca forever…

I must say the Mediterranean lifestyle fits me extremely well! The mild wind, the constant sun, the mixed smell of sea and flowers, and oh the food (I´m a seafood-lover), the shopping…omg…I really have nothing bad to say about this place!

Every day I got up just before sunrise to capture photos. There´s a small window of perfect light in the morning and then again in the evening. So to make sure I made the most of the working time available I had to do my research one day before the shoot – so a lot of preparing and planning went into each shoot.

After lunch, I would work on my new online course and then finally some afternoon napping by the pool or the beach. In the evening it was time for more travel photography work and then a late dinner – of course with a cocktails 🙂

I had the pleasure of staying at several wonderful five-star hotels, and the first one was Son Julia Country House (featured in this post). This beautiful boutique hotel was a perfect quiet place for a balanced working/relaxing kind of stay.

What I loved about this Hotel was the large rooms, the finest pool facilities, and the stunning countryside garden with plenty of palm trees. I can´t wait to go back again soon!

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

mallorca - majorca - by Christina Greve

With Love & Passion,

Christina Greve

About Christina Greve

Christina Greve is an internationally recognized photography educator specializing in creativity and mindfulness. She is known for her elegant storytelling photography and draws much of her inspiration from the Nordic countryside, travels, food and still life. With over a decade of experience in psychology, Christina transitioned her passion for photography into a thriving full-time business focused on photography and education. Her work, both in photography and writing, has been featured in numerous prestigious magazines, blogs, and books worldwide.Christina is dedicated to empowering multi-passionate women, artists, and creative individuals to find direction, overcome self-doubt, and pursue their passions. Through her curated tools, inspirational content, and transformative courses, she guides her students towards making a fulfilling living doing what they love.Having coached thousands of women from over 40 countries, Christina is renowned for her expertise. For 15 years, she has led the highly acclaimed Lifestyle Photography Academy, providing invaluable guidance to aspiring photographers. Through her podcast "The Empowered Creative," popular blog, and sought-after workshops, Christina has established herself as a trusted resource for creatives seeking practical photography knowledge, genuine support, and heartfelt encouragement.