Calmness is your superpower. Your ability to carry yourself with dignity and remain calm in the eye of a storm will empower you in any situation.
And when you’re able to not overreact and take things personally, you keep your mind clear and your heart at peace. Staying calm is a form of self-respect. It’s how you strengthen your confidence and grow self-trust.

We all encounter individuals who bring negativity and drama into our lives. Whether it’s through testing boundaries, teasing, provoking, blaming, criticising or simply adding mental clutter, these situations can be challenging to navigate.
However, it’s important to remember that you have the power to choose how you respond to these situations. It’s always possible to set healthy boundaries, and it’s never too late to learn how to respond in a new way.

The first step is to understand that your response is always a CHOICE.
You can choose calmness over frustration, anger, and resentment. You decide to stay calm because it’s the most powerful response to anything. And when you make that choice, you don’t waste your valuable energy on something you can’t change or fix.

Here’s how you can be calm and stand in your power…
Don’t Take Anything Personally.
Whatever happens, don’t take it personally. Nothing other people do is because of you.
It can be easy to get caught up in the opinions and actions of others, but it is crucial to remember that their behavior has nothing to do with you.
Let go of the belief that others’ words and actions are a reflection of your worth.
The reality is, people, act out of their own fears, insecurities, and experiences, not because of you.
Everyone has their own view of the world; they might have a completely different mindset than you and perhaps also a very different set of values.
When we take something personally, we automatically give our power away. We allow the other person to control us and our emotions. No one deserves that power – especially not bullies, trolls, and energy wampires. You need to keep your power where it belongs – at home inside of you.

When you respond with calmness and silence, quietly and respectfully, you are the powerful one.
If someone leaves you a mean comment on your Facebook page or Instagram post, delete it. Don’t spend a minute of your precious time feeling hurtful, angry, or sad.
Why? Because what they wrote says absolutely NOTHING about you. But it says a whole lot about the person who wrote it.
That person is not a happy person, because no happy people put others down. Emotional mature people with healthy self-esteem and deep respect for other people know how we are all connected and that when you give kindness, you feel better. When you give love, and encouragement and share your joy, you are a happy person.
So remember, next time you are about to take something personal, just stay calm. Walk away. Leave it. Delete it. Smile at it. Laugh it off. Breathe deeply and know in your heart that it has nothing to do with you.

Learn to Pause, Not React
Instead of reacting, you pause. You stay neutral and calm. It will be a challenge in the beginning because you will properly feel an entire range of emotions on the inside, and that’s okay. It’s normal.
So allow your reaction to happen on the inside. But stay quiet on the outside. Just be still and remember to breathe. Remind yourself that you owe no one a response. You can choose to observe, listen and relax your body.

Say to yourself, “this is a great moment to pause and stay neutral. ” Then turn your attention to your feet and feel the ground underneath. Connect with your breath and focus on your belly moving in and out.
If you are in a conflict with a loved one, staying calm is even more important. Listen and ask questions instead of getting angry and defensive. Your willingness to remain calm will help build trust.

So that’s my little take on cultivating calmness as your superpower. If you would like to connect with me or ask me a question, simply reach out. I’m mostly active on my Instagram and of course you can also send me an email.
With Love,
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