8 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Photography | Part 1

The Empowered Creative Podcast

Can you believe it! We are already at episode number 4. YES! I really enjoy making the show. And even though I still feel very much as a beginner experimenting with podcasting, I absolutely love this way of sharing inspiration and knowledge with you.

And I’m blown away by all the positive attention The Empowered Creative show has received. It makes me super happy, so thank you so so much for tuning in, subscribing to the show and for all the amazing reviews on iTunes.

Just listen to this wonderful review: “Listening to Christina’s podcast is like sitting down with a close friend over a coffee. She offers so much actionable advice and encouragement for chasing your dreams. I highly recommend it!” Aww, melts my heart…This review was published by Kate Bragg on iTunes – so thank you kate.

I’m just beyond grateful for all your fabulous support. As one of my listeners said to me yesterday; “Christina, I start my day playing your podcast because I learn so much and it puts me in a good mood”. Wow! I think that´s incredible. This is exactly why I make this show; to uplift your spirit, empower your soul and give you strength to grow your creative career. So thank you for being here, thank you for all your support and love. You matter to me and that´s why I do this!

In this episode, I share 8 things I wish I knew when I started photography

For those of you who don’t know my story, I started my photography career back in 2009 and within a year I made the jump from hobby photographer to fulltime photographer. After working with psychology and running a successful coaching business for more than a decade, this was a scary decision to make back then.

But at the same time, I had this artistic side in me that felt somehow neglected. When I finally got my first camera something inside of me instantly clicked and I was hooked and the urge to pursue photography became so consuming I couldn´t ignore it.

For a while, I was doing therapy sessions during the day, and then I took pictures in the evenings and on weekends. In the end, I was running two full-time jobs and I knew I had to choose because doing both was too much and I needed more time with my family.

I chose photography, and I jumped. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It was all learning by doing and I made so many mistakes along the way. And I´m going to share  some of them with you today – raw and real….so I hope you are ready!

If I’d only known the things I know now, my first few years as a photographer would have been much more productive and much less frustrating. However, my frustrations and my mistakes are your gain! 


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Subscribe: http://christinagreve.com/inner-circle/


Waitlist: http://christinagreve.academy


From JPEG to RAW: A Beginners Guide to Start Shooting in RAW – The Easy Way: http://christinagreve.com/jpeg-raw-beginners-guide-start-shooting-raw-image-mode-easy/


Photographer Rebecca Lily: http://www.rebeccalily.com

Photographer Johnny Patience: http://www.johnnypatience.com

Flickr Photo Sharing: https://www.flickr.com

Lightroom & Photoshop: https://www.adobe.com


▸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinagreve

▸Website: www.christinagreve.com

▸Email: hello@christinagreve.com

About Christina Greve

Christina Greve is an experienced Photographer, Educator & Mindset Coach with a passion for flowers, decorating & country living. She's the founder of The Lifestyle Photography Academy + The Empowered Creative Show. She provides tools, education and inspiration designed to help multi-passionate women, artists and creative souls find direction, push through self-doubt + make a living doing what they LOVE.She is known for her elegant storytelling photography and draws much of her inspiration from the Nordic countryside, travels, food and still life.Her work has been featured in numerous magazines, blogs and books worldwide. After a decade of working with psychology, Christina's passion for photography evolved into a full-time photography and coaching business.Today she runs a thriving + fast-growing international empire specializing in professional online training, motivating and engaging female photographers, designers, bloggers, makers and creatives. She has coached thousands of fabulous women from more than 40+ countries.With her Podcast "The Empowered Creative," her popular Instagram posts, and quickly sold-out workshops, Christina has become the go-to person for many creatives seeking like-minded sisterhood, real support and heartfelt encouragement.